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I’m updating the meal plan challenge. If you want to be notified when it’s finished, send me an email with the subject line: meal plan challenge update

Thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience!  While you’re waiting, Check out these already done Weekly Meal Plans.

fresh fruit for red sangria mocktail, including sliced lime, fresh cranberries, sliced persimmon, and sliced grapefruit


Meal Plan like a boss with the 10 Day Meal Plan Challenge!

The Art Of Meal Planning meal plan challenge

Sign up for the Meal Plan Challenge


This 10 day meal plan challenge will equip you to meal plan like a boss! You’ll learn how to meal plan, and how to stick with it!

How it works~

For the next 10 days, you’ll receive an email each day with a tip and a small assignment to accomplish. By the end of the challenge, you’ll have a meal plan in hand, with a grocery list and feel super prepared for the week ahead.

What else?

I’ll share tips and strategies that will help you meal plan quickly and effectively so you can plan according to YOUR family’s needs. Spend just 15 minutes a week and save your sanity. 😉

No more impulse buying! Going to the store with a prepared list will keep you on track and keep your wallet full.

Ever go to make a recipe and not have all the ingredients? Then you’re running to the store at the last minute, or trying to pull something else together, that’s time consuming and stressful!

Being more prepared will get dinner on the table and allow you to connect with your loved ones. Sharing a meal together is sacred. So much happens around the table, laughter, tears, communication, it’s true community and it makes life special. Cuz, we need each other, right?!

I know if you have a bunch of toddler’s around the table right now, you’re not ‘feeling it’ when I say that all this great stuff is happening at dinner, but trust me.

You are creating the habit and the environment for great things to come, and they will. I’ve been there, and I know when people don’t want to eat their food or their crying or spilling things that it’s not that fun. But you’ll get there. I promise.

Meal planning now, will just encourage all these other benefits. Are you ready to get started?